If you qualify for the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations program, you may also be eligible for an Obama Phone. Let’s briefly review how the program works, who qualifies for it, and how to enroll.
The Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) provides healthy foods to low income families and elderly who live on Indian reservations or who reside in designated areas near reservations in the State of Oklahoma. The program is an alternative to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) because many of these individuals do not have access to grocery stores or other locations that accept SNAP benefits. FDPIR began informally in the 60’s but was formalized in 1977 and predates the welfare program. It is administered locally by an Indian Tribal Organization (ITO) when one is nearby or by a state government agency when an ITO is not nearby. Qualifying for FDPIR, or any other government program described on this site, also qualifies you for the Lifeline Assistance Obama Phone program.
How the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations Works
Instead of being given financial assistance for food, such as with SNAP, participants in FDPIR are actually delivered food by the United Stated Department of Agriculture (USDA). The food is shipped to the ITO or state agency who then distributes it to the program participants. A food package is delivered to participants once per month and includes items from an approved USDA list certified to be nutritious and balanced. The following federally recognized tribes offer FDPIR in their communities:
– Agdaagux Tribal Council
– Alakanuk Traditional Council
– Native Village of Buckland
– Chilkoot Indian Association
– Native Village of Chitina
– Craig Tribal Association
– Native Village of Deering
– Hydaburg Co-op Association
– Native Village of Kiana
– Native Village of Kotzebue
– Klawock Co-op Assoc.
– Organized Village of Tribe Kwethluk
– Metlakatla Indian Comm.
– Old Harbor Tribal Council
– Seldovia Village Tribe
– Native Village of St. Michael
– Yakutat Tlingit Tribe
As a USDA program, FDPIR also provides information about health, nutrition, proper food storage, food preparation tips and other information that helps families make healthy food choices.
Do you qualify for the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations?
In addition to living in an approved reservation or designated program area, the main criteria for the FDPIR program are the number of individuals living in the household and the amount of household income. Households are certified for FDPIR based on income standards set by the Federal government, which closely aligned with the income eligibility requirements for SNAP. Participants are required to be recertified at least once every 12 months. Those who are elderly or disabled can be certified for up to 24 months at a time.
Households cannot participate in both the FDPIR and SNAP programs in the same month. However, participants can switch back and forth between SNAP and FDPIR as long as they do not receive simultaneous benefits.
How to enroll in the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations
To enroll in the FDPIR program, you must contact your Indian Tribal Organization (ITO) or FNS in your area. Applications can be submitted the same day that they are obtained and will be processed within seven business days.